Why investing in your workforce is important right now

We have all heard of it: the legal obligation to apply for a job if you receive unemployment benefits. Four job applications must be made every four weeks. An average of one job application per week, where the principle applies: "the more, the better...


That is why it is important for employers to invest in their staff right now: how do you, as an employer, ensure that your staff is and remains involved in the organization? And how do you ensure that employees remain motivated, enthusiastic and healthy at work?

The impact of long-term working from home

Working from home for an extended period of time; this requires strong adaptability on the part of employees and employers. Despite the fact that most have now found their way around working from home, long-term working from home does have a major impact on the organization and its employees:

  • Long-term working from home vs. work happiness
    TNO has been conducting research on "Working during the corona crisis1" since March 2020. For some employees, working from home is a relief: it provides a sense of increased concentration and productivity. But for others it causes reduced job satisfaction and engagement2. Feelings of loneliness also lurk; when we work from home, important energizers disappear, such as personal contact or coffee moments with colleagues. This can greatly affect job happiness3. Reduced job satisfaction can cause employees to lose productivity or even take time off work4.
  • Work-life balance upside down(?)
    Long-term working from home also requires a modified work-life balance. Here, too, TNO is conducting research5. This research shows that adopting a different work-life balance is not easy for everyone. Combining working from home with caring for children, a partner who also works from home, even feelings of loneliness: all factors that can disrupt the work-life balance. So working from home for long periods of time can cause employees to experience more stressors. If these stressors persist for a long time, the likelihood of absenteeism is increased6.
  • Long-term working from home provides space for time and reflection
    When travel time to work and the dynamics and conviviality of a regular workday are eliminated, among other things, time and space are created for reflection, for example on career and work content. This is precisely why it is important that employees continue to feel connected to the organization and the work. If an employee no longer feels connected due to prolonged working from home, this can lead to the decision to make a career move elsewhere. A shame for you as an employer; you lose the motivation of a talented employee and you have to invest in the recruitment and onboarding of new talent.

Healthy, motivated and productive staff; how?

It is therefore clear that it is important to invest in healthy, motivated and sustainably employable staff. There are many initiatives that can be devised to respond to this as an employer. The most effective way, of course, depends on your organization and its employees. Of course, the VrijWIFIMiBo (digital Friday afternoon drinks), ergonomic tips or a weekly digital sports lesson are fun and good initiatives to increase the involvement and job satisfaction of employees. But even more important is paying attention to the motives and needs of the individual employee and encouraging employees to pay attention to this themselves. What does your employee need to stay motivated? How can he or she perform his or her work in a pleasant way? Continuously engaging in conversation and actively seeking connection is, according to Puls The key to success and being a good employer. In this way, your employees will continue to enjoy working (from home), you will create a good and vital work culture and you will prevent (unnecessary) costs such as absenteeism.

Puls is happy to help you keep your staff motivated, enthusiastic and sustainably employable. Curious about the possibilities? Please contact our consultants for more information.

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