Development advice from Puls

What is a good next step to take to advance in your career? A question that comes up a lot and with some regularity. Perhaps it is a simple step or a very difficult one, or maybe you already know the answer but are hoping for something else. With the development advice of Puls we help you with concrete tools, you only have to take the step.

Would you like to know more about the development consultancy of Puls? Then take a quick look at our website, contact us and request a quoation . We will be happy to help you.

Personal development advice

The development advice is a short and intensive process in which the employee does exercises together with the consultant and takes a personal test. This will ultimately result in a complete and personal advice that will help the employee further in his or her career. The employee not only knows which direction he or she wants to take, but also enters the next career phase with more energy and a clear focus. This not only benefits the employee, but the employer as well. With this advice, the employer is able to optimize personnel planning. This is because the advice provides more insight into the sustainable employability of employees, but also into their competencies and ambitions.

There is also the possibility to apply for a grant for this for development advice. On December 1, employees, self-employed and job seekers could receive development advice from a career advisor, such as from Puls. There were 55,000 advice trajectories available. By December 2, this max had already been reached. Puls takes the hassle out of your hands and applies for this subsidy for you.

Getting Started

Would you like to get started with the development advice of Puls? Then take a quick look at our website, contact us and request a quoation . We are a certified career counselor operating throughout the Netherlands.

Get in touch

Would you like to receive more information? Then contact us or request a no-obligation quotation.