What are your energy givers and energy drainers?

Do you ever dwell on your proverbial battery. What in work and personal life made you feel "recharged" this past year? And when did you feel empty and burned out? With this article (including an assignment!) we want to help you gain more insight into this.


Back to old patterns or on to new ones?

It has been more than a year since COVID-19 brought many changes. The "new work" has since become the "normal" work, and weekends are being scheduled full again. These transitions have created moments of reflection for many. Do you want to go back to the office every day and crowded weekends, or do you want a little more rest? Did working from home provide you with a better work-life balance or not? In short, what would you like to keep after this period and what would you like to change?

Energy givers or consumers

When you look at what you want to keep and what you would like to have back in the old pattern, you can distinguish between energy givers and energy drainers:

  • Energizers: energizers are those tasks, activities, circumstances and people that give you energy and/or relaxation. Consider your energizers and become aware of them. They can be small things like a little bird sitting on the branch of a tree or a ray of sunlight shining on your face. It could be a particular piece of music you listen to or a book you read. It can be the contact with a colleague where your energy starts to flow, certain tasks at work etc. etc.
  • Energy guzzlers: energy guzzlers are energy leaks that cause you to waste a lot of energy and drain the energy from your body. Again, consider activities, tasks, circumstances and people that cost you a lot of energy both at work and in your personal life.

By becoming more aware of your energy-givers and -givers you can shape your life in a way that fits your battery, both in work and private life. Puls helps you on your way. To get you started, there is the energy exercise. You can easily identify your energy-givers and energy-guzzlers.

Professional help in finding energizers

Do you need further professional help to identify what energizes you? Puls offers a wide range of services that will help you find out what energizes you in your work! Check out our services here .

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