A day of a job-hunter

Start of the working day

At 8:30, I (Ayla) am sitting at my laptop ready with a cup of coffee and checking what's on the schedule for the day;


One of my candidates has a job interview with an employment agency this afternoon. In addition, I have a new application for which I have scheduled an intake interview. And I am going to look for suitable vacancies for two other candidates. So a busy schedule!

Before I begin, I open my mail. Unfortunately, many rejections, but there are some interested employers among them. I grab the job hunt listings to update them and thank the employers for their messages. I call the interested employers back, to discuss with them what the course of action is. A temp agency is interested in interviewing one of my candidates for an administrative position. I indicate that I will inform her of their interest and she will contact them. I call my candidate to tell her the good news and email her the job posting and contact information. After this, I decide to look for vacancies on Indeed. I regularly get to look for administrative and logistics positions for my candidates. My candidates have not been off sick for very long, usually 3 months at the most. It is a motivated target group with variance in ages and backgrounds. They often have a physical disability which prevents them from standing for long periods of time or from doing heavy lifting. I also regularly encounter candidates with mental disabilities, which make them less able to cope with stressful work. I filter the vacancy to see if the activities listed fit the disability and always briefly mention in my candidate's introduction what needs to be taken into account in the future. When I have found and approached about ten vacancies for both candidates, it is time for my break.

After my break

By the time I return to my workplace, my third candidate has meanwhile had his job interview with the temp agency, so I contact him to discuss how it went. Sometimes it turns out not to be a match after all, but fortunately I often hear good news too! After I have spoken to the candidate, I always contact the employer to find out what the next steps are or to ask why it turns out not to be a match after all. I then record this in the report.

Then it's time for the intake interview for my new assignment. I grab my fourth candidate's intake form and resume while the phone rings, until I hear someone on the other end of the line. After I briefly introduce myself, we discuss the completed intake form together. Often there are still some aspects I want to specify to make my search easier. There are also some important points missing on his resume, so we agree that he will complete it on Monday and send it back to me. In the meantime, I have received several more responses from my applications this morning and by the time I have processed them all, my work day is over!

Meeting team

Fortunately, I don't always sit alone at my desk all day, every Wednesday me and my colleagues have a meeting at the office. The location of the meeting varies between Nieuwegein / Rotterdam location ParaDIGMA or Almere location UWV. Besides the fact that we are working hard together, we also discuss the things we have experienced this week. I've been a job hunter at the job for three months now Puls And I think it's cool to see that employment agencies and companies are working with me to offer my candidates a nice new workplace. 'We can help each other', is a statement that I often hear and fully agree.

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