Coach career guidance

Are you looking for a career guidance coach? Then you've come to Puls Definitely at the right place! A career counselling programme of Puls helps to give employees the insight and confidence to be able to make these choices and take steps towards change: who is the employee and what are the ambitions? During this process, it is of course very important that an expert supervisor looks at it in order to take the steps in the right direction.

Curious about what we can do for you or your organization? Do not hesitate and feel free to contact us.

Career counseling coach. Puls will be happy to help you!

But how do we ensure that your career is boosted again? We work with an intensive high-yield approach, which is based on one coaching session per week or every other week. By asking concrete, practical and personal questions and having the employee carry out assignments, we help them gain insight into themselves and their performance. Positive results achieved include increased job satisfaction and fewer psychological and physical complaints.

Of course, career counseling also brings benefits to the employer. For example, it results in lower absenteeism and increases labor productivity. It also strengthens the employee's self-management ability and improves communication between employee and employer.

Get in touch with us!

Do you have any questions about a career coaching coach or are you curious about what we can do for you with our services? Don't wait and contact us right away ! Puls is happy to help you. You can contact us via the form on our website, but also by phone or e-mail.

Get in touch!

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