Why hire someone from a 2nd track track?

Two weeks ago, Puls posted a case study on LinkedIn. This case was about a lady who can no longer perform her job due to back problems. Would you invite this employee for a (job) interview? Most voters chose "yes.


Employees who can no longer perform their jobs due to long-term complaints receive guidance in a 2nd track pathway to find a job that does fit. Have you ever thought about hiring someone from a 2nd track trajectory? Perhaps not yet, but did you know that there are many advantages to this? This article will tell you more about them.

Everyone has limitations and talents

Everyone in the job market has talents and limitations, and so do candidates in a 2nd track pathway. You may not think about it at first, but you probably have limitations, too. For example, do you wear glasses or contact lenses? If so, these may be considered vision limitations! But of course that does not mean that these limitations hinder you in your work.

A candidate in a 2nd track program applies for positions that do fit, based on his or her talents. Therefore, as an employer, focus on what this candidate can do and make use of these talents. And check your assumptions about the candidate's limitations and do not fill them in yourself. By taking a candidate seriously and not thinking in limitations but in solutions, often more is possible than you initially think.

It gives a boost!

Hiring an employee from a 2nd track pathway can give the organization a boost. In fact, generally this employee has extra motivation to work and it gives the employee a lot of self-confidence to use his or her talents again. The employee radiates this positivity to his or her colleagues and customers. Don't mistake the power of word of mouth either. Employees who are positive about your organization and the opportunities you offer them will tell others! In short, good for your company's image!

Employee on probation

Sometimes a trial placement, secondment or work experience placement can be a godsend. This allows you to test whether the position is appropriate for the potential employee's workload. In addition, you can let the candidate gain relevant work experience before you hire this candidate. After the agreed period you can officially hire the employee.

Financial arrangements and security for employers

Do you officially hire an employee after 2 years of illness? Then, as an employer, you may be able to take advantage of interesting schemes through the government. The government encourages employers in many ways to hire people with a disability. Examples include a no-risk policy or wage cost benefits.

Social relevance

Disability leads to significant numbers of people who are not employed in paid work. Participation in the labor market is highly desirable from several perspectives. For example, work gives people meaning and satisfaction. Employees get moving and take control of their own careers again. They are contributing again! That gives satisfaction from both sides, doesn't it?

Are you looking for a new employee?

Looking to hire an employee from a 2nd track pathway? Then check out our Spotlight page . Here we regularly post our stars who are looking for a new challenge.

Are you looking for a candidate in a specific region or with specific competencies? Then contact us, we are happy to think with you. At Puls we work nationwide.

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