Online career counseling? Get more out of your career

Do you learn as much from physical as online? Many people prefer physical, because it feels more personal and because there is more focus on the individual. However, the past year has shown that physical is not always possible and that it is necessary to move to online. For some employees, this is better. Puls offers both in-person and online career guidance to support employees in finding the best match between person and work.

Find out more about the online career guidance of Puls? Then contact us quickly and take a look at the website.


Get started with online career guidance from Puls

Puls believes that physical contact works best during every journey. In this way, our consultant gets to know the employee better and a more suitable profile can be sketched. If someone has ended up in absenteeism, it is always nice for the employee to start the conversation again. In this way, the distance to 'normal' work life is reduced slightly. Perhaps there is more to it than just finding suitable work for the employee. Perhaps there is also something going on at home or the employee dropped out because the work was too physically demanding and still has complaints about this. In the case of psychological complaints, Puls Calling in PSION, our sister label, is an expert when it comes to preventing and tackling psychological complaints among employees. Are there still physical complaints? Then the Occupational Health and Safety Service can offer help with a consultation with the company doctor.

Learn more

Would you like to know more about the physical or online career guidance of Puls? Then take a quick look at our website and contact us. We are happy to help you and your employee.

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