Involve environment in search for other work

The search for other work does not have to be a lonely process. In fact, people around you can often be more meaningful to you than you think.


Search direction

Looking for other work often starts with thinking about the job you are going to apply for. Do some research and ask people around you what kind of work they do, what they like and dislike about it. Don't be afraid, people often actually enjoy talking about their work! You can also ask those around you to help you think about jobs that they think would suit you. They will probably come up with surprising insights.

Leverage your network

There is a theory that states that all people in the world are six or fewer social connections away from each other. This theory is also known as the "six handshakes rule. The people around you can play an important role in finding your new job by connecting you with the right people.

Job Application Tips

You can also seek input from people close to you when writing a cover letter or creating a resume. When preparing for a job interview, it can be very helpful to practice an interview with each other.

Qualities and pitfalls

Bee Puls we regularly see people who find it difficult to name what qualities they have. When looking for other work, it is important to have insight into what you are good at and what your pitfalls are. Have you ever thought about asking people around you what they see as your qualities and pitfalls? Our experience is that it can lead to very nice conversations.

Learn more

The consultants of Puls During the guidance, we offer you various exercises and tools on how to use your network in the search for other work. The best example is that we also use our own network to supervise our projects. This is how we go for the best result together! Take a look at our website and find out more about the services we offer.

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