The importance of a work experience placement during a reintegration program

Finding work during a period of disability can be a challenging and sometimes daunting task. Fortunately, work experience placements during reintegration provide a valuable opportunity to reduce this distance from the labor market and increase the chances of successful reintegration.

The importance of a work experience placement

What is a work experience placement (WEP)?

Work experience places are temporary workplaces where people distant from the labor market have the opportunity to gain work experience, develop new skills and increase their self-confidence. This opportunity is offered when someone follows a 2nd track pathway at Puls. The intention is for the employee to work for at least 1 to 3 months in a different environment from their current employer. This is to test whether the (new or potential) work suits the employee's current workload capacity.

Four benefits of a WEP for employees

There are several benefits to taking a WEP during a reintegration program:

  • Practical experience: Work experience placements offer employees the opportunity to put their skills into practice and gain relevant work experience. This increases the chances of finding gainful employment.
  • Self-confidence: By successfully functioning in a work experience placement, employees can strengthen their self-confidence and self-image. They have the opportunity to show what they can do and receive positive feedback, which contributes to self-esteem.
  • Networking: Work experience placements offer candidates the opportunity to make valuable professional contacts and build a network in their field. This network can come in handy later in finding gainful employment or exploring new career opportunities.
  • Skill development: During a work experience placement, employees can learn new skills and develop existing skills. These acquired skills ensure that the employee does not think in terms of what cannot be done, but what is possible. Even with existing limitations.

Benefits of a work experience placement for employers

In short, work experience placements play a crucial role during reintegration. With the right support and guidance from both the employer and work experience placements can be a powerful tool for successful reintegration into the labor market. For employers who are considering offering work experience placements, it can be rewarding to investigate the benefits this brings. Puls is happy to outline the benefits and opportunities for you. Feel free to contact Puls for more information.

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