"Every day is different"

As a Work and Mobility Consultant, Niek enjoys every day the versatility that this position entails. The responsibilities he is allowed to take and the freedom inherent in this position creates space and inspiration for new ideas and initiatives.


Just a working day

When my alarm clock rings in a compelling tone on Monday morning, I don't know what the coming week has in store for me. Will it be a busy week? What new home situations and circumstances will I step into next? Will my phone be red hot or will it not be too bad this week?

Driving through the Limburg hills on the way to see my clients, I marvel at the beauty of "the bright sight of life" over and over again! How soothing and overwhelming nature is here. I even detect an almost embarrassing form of chauvinism in myself as I catch myself humming the Limburg national anthem.

Having counted my blessings, I arrive at my first visiting address and as my final bronze-green oak sounds hushed, the candidate opened the door and I was met with a worried and almost depressed look in his eyes.

No Man Overboard

"Niek, I was turned down for the position of Logistics Coordinator, and I had such a good feeling about it, I don't get it." He throws in a few more power terms that I want the reader to remember, and I then suggest that the first thing to do is to have a cup of liquid gold and sit back and take it easy. I explain to my client that many considerations are made during a job application process. Among other things, an organization looks at which candidates apply, who fits in best, who fits in best with the corporate culture, what is the applicant's work experience and what first impression does he or she make? When fate is not in your own hands and you are at the mercy of someone else's choice, acceptance is the only remedy. I then grab another four vacancies, which, taking into account the employable capabilities of the candidate, can be considered suitable, from my bag and 20 minutes and 2 cups of coffee later his disappointment has given way to optimism and full of zeal and highly motivated he makes notes while going through the vacant positions.

After I expressed my sincere appreciation for my client and for his motivation and gave him the relatable message that there is no man about to die, he radiates more self-confidence again.

No growth without setbacks

We explored together several employment options and suitable positions for feasibility and I said goodbye to him saying that he is not alone and as I already grabbed the door of my car, I called out, "Until next time and remember: call, app, email, tweet or text if you need me!"

On to the next candidate!

My workday flew by again. After about five appointments, I open my laptop when I get home and plunge into my administrative work. And guess what I do with the energy left to me after this varied and energizing work day?

A bit stiffly I climb on my road bike, to go and admire that rolling landscape I rode through this morning from the bike. The philosophy: "After every climb comes a descent, after rain comes sunshine and without setbacks no growth! This is confirmed during my bike ride.

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