3 ingredients for successful job coaching

Everyone has talents! The trick is to put those talents to good use and use. Puls offers several services in the field of (personal) development, such as development advice, career guidance and job coaching. The last one, job coaching, is less well known...


Job coaching is the personal guidance of an employee in the (new) workplace. The benefits of job coaching can be summarized simply: it ensures that an employee becomes and remains permanently employable and it results in less absenteeism. If an employee does fall into absenteeism, successful job coaching can significantly shorten the period of absenteeism. More importantly, job coaching increases the employee's job satisfaction!

One of our experienced job coaches is Pauline Wille-Wong, career and reintegration consultant. She tells us what three ingredients you need to make job coaching a success!

Personal attention and genuine interest

"Puls stands for committed, personal and solution-oriented. And that is exactly the approach we use with our job coaching! Everyone is different, and so is the situation they find themselves in; This requires a tailor-made approach. We have a genuine interest in the person sitting across from us and what he or she needs. Intensive contact with the employee and involving the employer in the process are an important part of this process. In this way, we can Puls make an important contribution to the sustainable employability of employees.

Sometimes the conclusion is that an employee is no longer in his/her place and makes the transition to another employer. Even then, we provide optimal guidance to both the employee and the employer."

A good match

"The coaches start from the 'supported employment theory.' This means that we bring a number of things into clear and concrete focus. The most important thing is understanding the person profile: what gives an employee satisfaction? What does he/she enjoy doing? And what are his/her strengths? We do this through various tests and (personal) interviews. Then we look at the function that the employee performs and what are the important requirements to be able to perform this function well. When this is clear, we make a consideration by matching the job and the person profile."

A good picture of the working environment

"In order to provide the employee with concrete advice, we need to have a good picture of the work environment. Therefore, during the coaching process, we can be found at the employee's workplace! Together with the employee, we sit behind a desk or stand sweeping leaves while discussing opportunities and bottlenecks. We look with the employee at his/her tasks, what he/she is up against and how it can be solved. This way of working gives us a good picture of the employee's daily practice and allows us to deliver customized solutions. And that is essential for successful job coaching."

Want to know more about Job coaching?

A job coaching program can be of value to any employee: from mechanic to office worker. As long as there is a need for help in the area of work. More information can be found in ourjob coachingservice.

Do you have questions or want to learn more about job coaching opportunities? Please feel free to contact us at servicedesk@pulsinzetbaarheid.nl or 0880313880.

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